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200+ Sales Terms: The Updated Glossary of B2B Sales Definitions

Chris Orlob
July 20, 2023

With the rise of AI, new sales technology, and automation at the forefront of the sales echo chamber these days, we thought we’d take a moment to bring it back to BASICS – that’s why we’ve rounded up this complete glossary of sales terms and definitions to help you remember where it all started.

This practical sales glossary is meant for anyone who needs to refresh their memory on the most commonly used sales terms – especially new reps still learning the playing field, or perhaps those that need some virtual sales coaching

We recommend this guide for any sales managers or business development leaders onboarding new reps. This sales glossary is meant to reduce ramp time for new reps immersed in B2B sales jargon for the first time.

Recommended: Check out these saas training courses built by Chris Orlob 🚀


  • ABC
  • A/B Testing
  • Account
  • Account-Based Everything
  • Account-Based Marketing
  • Account-Based Selling
  • Account Executive
  • Accounts Payable
  • Accounts Receivable
  • Amortization
  • Analytics
  • Annual Contract Value
  • Annual Recurring Revenue
  • Application Program Interface
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Average Revenue per Account
  • Average Selling Price

ABC (Always Be Closing)

"Always Be Closing" is an old school phrase that became popular following the 1992 movie Glengarry Glen Ross where sales leader Blake, played by Alec Balwin, berates the company's sales reps.

The scene harkens back to when sales teams coerced every prospect to close (to buy) the offer presented to them. ABC is a sales strategy rooted in the idea that every action a sales rep takes in the sales process leads to closing a sale.

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A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method to test two versions of a marketing asset. In an A/B test, the current version is named a "control," and the alternative version is a "variant." The winning variant is determined when the desired metric (e.g., conversion rate or closed-won opportunities) has increased over a statistically significant sample.

For example, you can measure the total number of customers generated from two pages with different headlines or content with similar traffic sources and identical amounts of traffic.


An account is a business relationship regarding an individual or business with contact information, sales inquiries, and transactions with your company.

In CRM software, accounts often contain multiple contacts, and those contacts have opportunities assigned to them. This relationship model helps sales teams track communications between prospects, customers, and employees.

Account-Based Everything (ABE)

Account-Based Everything (ABE) is a framework that entails full coordination of customized care and management of targeted customer accounts across all relevant units of your organization (such as marketing, sales, finance, and product development) and the entire customer lifecycle from lead generation to after-sales support.

With an ABE sales methodology, an account executive presents products and services in a tailored, consultative way. And when the account becomes a customer, services are delivered in a manner prescribed by sales rather than a self-service implementation. 

Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is a strategic framework that identifies and engages potential customer accounts following a buyer persona or other firmographics for outreach activities such as email or targeted ads. 

In most cases, ABM is an outbound marketing effort and entails collaboration between sales and marketing teams to craft an effective buyer's journey with helpful content, personalization, and relevant offers.

Account-Based Selling (ABS)

Account-Based Selling (ABS) is a B2B selling framework that treats qualified or high-value accounts as unique markets, where each account deserves dedicated resources and hyper-personalization at every step along the buyer's journey. 

Account-based selling is best suited for deals with high revenue and lengthy or complex sales cycles. 

Account Executive (AE)

An account executive (AE) is a sales professional with primary responsibility for one or more customer accounts (called a portfolio), commonly tasked to nurture and grow the company’s relationships with said accounts and convert qualified leads into paying customers.

It's a common practice for sales teams to organize AEs by sales region, buyer personas, or other go-to-market segments. 

Accounts Payable (AP)

Accounts Payable (AP) is a function within a finance team responsible for tracking and paying a company's financial obligations to vendors, suppliers, and service providers.

When selling to many businesses, AP staff will want to receive copies of all invoices or future sales orders, even if there's only one decision-maker.

Accounts Receivable (AR)

Accounts Receivable (AR) is a finance function that ensures customer payments are made and reflected on its general ledger. They may reach out to an assigned point-of-contact, decision-maker, or the customer directly to remit payment for an outstanding balance.

A salesperson might need to follow up with a customer at the end of the buying process if their AR team hasn’t received payment to ensure closed-won accounts stay in good standing.


Amortization is the method of paying off a balance over a fixed schedule. In a B2B sales environment, this payment schedule might consist of a quarterly or semi-annual payment for services. 

As a concept, amortization reduces the perception of a high sales price. For instance, a prospect might find it easier to consider a $25,000 price when it's presented as $2,083.33 per month, billed annually. 


Analytics is the study of historical and real-time data to uncover patterns and actionable insights. While not natively a sales term, salespeople should understand metrics and how their daily actions affect the sales pipeline forecast.  

Marketers should also focus on deriving meaning from the data. Rather than reporting the volume of qualified leads (MQLs), consider analyzing the degree of qualification of those leads. 

Annual Contract Value (ACV)

Annual Contract Value (ACV) is the annualized monetary value of a book of business for an account executive. ACV is a handy metric to see which sales reps tend to sell more effectively. 

It's also helpful for customer success teams to prioritize which accounts to focus resources on serving. Unlike ARR, ACV applies to recurring revenue (not one-time revenue) for an account over 12 months or longer. 

Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR)

Annual recurring revenue is a measure of the total revenue that a company generates each year from repeatable revenue streams. This metric includes subscription, usage, and other recurring fees. ARR is a measure widely adopted by Software as a Service (SaaS) companies.

Application Program Interface (API)

Application Program Interface (API) is a service that allows third-party applications to exchange data without human intervention. If a technical integration doesn't exist, an API is a good option so the customer can build a custom API integration with the data.

From a seller's perspective, APIs help you position your product as infinitely customizable with another application. However, the customer must use development resources to connect their systems to it. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a system of computers and software that simulate certain aspects of human intelligence, such as image perception, voice recognition, and reasoning.

A subset of AI known as Generative AI creates content based on vast datasets to provide a helpful answer to a person's question. However, AI does not fact-check its responses and may offer lengthy explanations. 

Average Revenue per Account (ARPA)

Average Revenue per Account measures the company's average revenue from each customer account. This KPI is used to evaluate the overall profitability of a company’s customer base. In a sales scenario, ARPA can be influenced by product bundles, service packages, and longer-term contracts.

Unlike customer lifetime value, ARPA fluctuates based on the revenue generated at the account sign-up rather than through retention efforts.

Average Selling Price (ASP)

Average Selling Price (ASP) is a term that may refer to the average price of a product in a given market or class of products. As an industry's average sales price decreases, sales reps should recommend relevant ancillary services to grow customer account revenue.

For instance, the ASP for a business phone system was once $60 per line monthly; but today, it costs around $30 monthly.


  • B2B
  • B2C
  • B2C2B
  • BANT Framework
  • Base Salary
  • BASHO Email
  • Bottom of Funnel
  • Bookings
  • Business Intelligence
  • Business Development Representative
  • Buyer
  • Buyer Intent
  • Buying Committee
  • Buying Signal


B2B is an acronym for Business-to-Business, a model for selling, relationship-building, or engagement. B2B sales often involve many stakeholders or influencers in a purchasing decision, and the sales cycle is relatively longer. 

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B2C is an acronym for Business-to-Consumer, a model for selling, relationship-building, or engagement. B2C sales typically involve one or two decision-makers, and the sales cycle is relatively short. 


B2C2B is an acronym for Business-to-Consumer-to-Business, a product or sales strategy that entails addressing an audience's personal needs to such a degree they recommend the product or service for their organization. 

For instance, one might use Dropbox for personal use and then find their business plans attractive for their company. The buyer's journey leading to corporate use is what's at play with B2C2B. 

BANT Framework

BANT framework is an acronym used by sales reps for lead qualification to determine whether prospects have the right Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeline to purchase what they are selling. 

IBM developed the BANT framework in the 1950s as a sales process to help them sell effectively to qualified organizations ready and able to buy. 

Base Salary

Base salary refers to an agreed-upon pay an employee receives as compensation for work rendered. Most sales professionals' compensation consists of a base salary, commissions for each sale, and the potential for performance bonuses. 


A BASHO email is a highly personalized email to garner the attention of a C-suite executive. Despite being stylized like an acronym, MJ Hoffman developed the BASHO sales term under the brand Basho Strategies.

A BASHO email is often a brief message consisting of background research, personal references, a statistic, and an open-ended invite to explore an opportunity together.

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU)

The Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) refers to the final stages of the buyer's journey, where leads are about to convert to paying customers. Toward the bottom of the funnel, prospects closely evaluate customer reviews, compare pricing, and want to better understand the differences between vendors.

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Bookings are the net new contracts signed in dollar amounts (typically ACV or TCV). Bookings are new commitments to buy a product or service before it has been fulfilled. This sales metric helps with forecasting revenue growth and resource planning. 

Business Intelligence (BI)

Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the process or software that analyzes internal business data and presents it in an understandable format, such as tables, charts, and other visualizations. 

BI teams aggregate raw data from various internal and external systems to surface trends and insights for stakeholders across the business. 

Business Development Representative

A business development representative (BDR) or sales development representative (SDR) is a sales specialist focusing on finding new leads, establishing foundational relationships, and refreshing the sales pipeline with new opportunities for account executives. BDRs often are the first to interact with prospects, conduct lead qualification, and help arrange meetings. 


A buyer is an individual tasked with purchasing a product or service. In B2B sales, buyers are also known as decision-makers when evaluating a new vendor. They may rely on buying committees with input, including short-listing potential vendors and evaluating product demos. 

Buyer Intent

Buyer intent refers to the likelihood of a person or organization purchasing a product or service detected from behavior such as email engagement, online browsing, media consumption, resource downloads, and event participation. 

CRM software can help score buyer intent, but third parties like 6sense, Rollworks, or G2 can provide buyer intent signals.

Buying Committee

A buying committee is a group of individuals who influence a purchasing decision. Such committees could be formal such as in the Request for Proposal (RFP) process, or they can be a few primary stakeholders for a given project. 

Salespeople should address each buying committee member's needs, often known as multi-threading. 

Buying Signal

A buying signal is a verbal or non-verbal cue from a prospect ready to purchase. For example, signing a contract. Buying signals are objective and are determined by the prospect's action to move a deal forward. 


  • Challenger Sales Model
  • Champion/Challenger Test
  • Channel Partner
  • Channel Sales
  • Churn
  • C-Level / C-Suite
  • Click Through Rate (CTR)
  • Closed Won
  • Closed Lost
  • Cold Call
  • Cold Email
  • Compensation
  • Complex Sale
  • Content Marketing
  • Conversion
  • Covenant
  • Cross-Selling
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Customer Success

Challenger Sales Model

The Challenger Sales Model is a sales strategy that takes the disruptive approach to solution selling, where customers are pushed beyond their comfort zones to embrace new ideas for their business. 

It alludes to the Challenger, one of five sales representative profiles classified by Gartner (formerly CEB). The five profiles are Challenger, Hard Worker, Lone Wolf, Problem Solver, and Relationship Builder.

Champion/Challenger Test

The Champion/Challenger Test is an approach for determining the best sales strategy for a given market segment. The Champion represents your current production/servicing paradigm. In contrast, the Challenger represents new or different ways of doing things.

Channel Partner

Channel partners provide services or products on behalf of another entity, mainly via a co-branding agreement. Most channel partners provide complimentary services beyond what the vendor offers. For instance, an IT channel partner might resell a cloud backup solution to a client after performing a security audit.

Channel Sales

Channel sales is a method of deploying your sales team into groups focusing on different distribution channels, such as in-house sellers, channel partners, affiliates, and influencers.


Churn is a term that describes the percentage of customers that leave or cancel a service or product within a given period. The risk for churn increases approaching renewals when the primary point-of-contact exits an organization, and when product adoption drops. 

To prevent churn, stay in touch with the deal's champion and ensure they are given all the resources to succeed. 

C-Level or C-Suite Executives (CxOs)

C-Level executives, collectively known as the C-Suite, are the business leaders with "Chief" in their job titles. These roles include the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), and Chief Financial Officer (CFO).

Selling to C-Level execs is more intricate than typical go-to-market tactics because they have much more authority and a low tolerance for B.S.

Click-through Rate (CTR)

The click-through rate (CTR) is typically expressed as a percentage and refers to the number of clicks on a link (usually an ad or email) divided by the number of times an audience has seen it.

Closed Won

Closed won is the status of an opportunity where the deal has concluded with the prospect/lead becoming a new customer. Closed won isn't a promise or a "will close next week." Closed won is when a buyer signs an agreement to pay or provides payment information. 

Closed Lost

A closed lost opportunity is when a prospect declines to proceed with further sales discussions. When an opportunity is closed, account executives might include a reason. A closed-lost status helps sellers focus on new potential buyers in their pipeline and helps managers with sales forecasting. 

Cold Call

A cold call is an attempt to engage a prospect (via a phone call or in-person visit) who has no prior knowledge about or contact with the salesperson making the call.

Cold Email

A cold email engages a prospect without prior knowledge about or contact with the salesperson sending the email. 

Since there's yet to be a relationship, a sales execution platform helps sales reps build pipeline with effective follow-up and not let leads fall through. 


Compensation is the total payment and benefits an employee receives for rendering work — covering basic salary, commissions, bonuses, health insurance, pension plans, paid leaves, stock options, and other benefits.

Complex Sale

Complex sales is a type of sale common in B2B markets involving multiple decision-makers, custom service or purchase agreements, and relatively longer sales cycles.

Content Marketing

Content marketing refers to materials that attract and convince buyers using blog posts, graphics, podcasts, and videos. Marketing and sales teams use content resources to educate prospects on the best practices to succeed with a product or service.


Conversion is the process of turning a prospect into a paying customer. More generally, conversion is a user's action demonstrating high intent. Examples include completing a form on a landing page or after signing a contract.  


A covenant is a formal written promise stating that certain activities will or will not be carried out. Restrictive covenants include NDAs and non-compete agreements. 

An example of a restrictive covenant is that employees are prohibited from taking customer lists or proprietary company information to another employer.


Cross-selling in B2B is when a prospective customer considers a new product or service, and the account executive presents a relevant product or service at a discount. Unlike upselling, cross-selling happens before a sale has been completed. 

An example of cross-selling might be a training program or an onboarding package. 

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) encompasses all the costs required to acquire a new paying customer. CAC becomes a valuable metric to measure the efficiency of a lead source or marketing activities.

It also measures the business's health when divided against Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) — a CAC/CLV ratio of 3:1 or higher is considered good. 

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV or LTV) measures the total revenue each customer generates for a business over their lifetime. It encompasses the initial sale, repeat purchases, and the length of their business relationship. Generally, the larger the lifetime value, the more the business can spend on sales and marketing. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a software solution that stores, manages, and analyzes customer data and interactions to improve customer engagement and revenue. Popular CRM solutions include Salesforce, HubSpot, Close, Pipedrive, and Keap. 

Customer Success

Customer success is a proactive management strategy for supporting customers, reducing churn rate, and increasing account expansion. Customer success teams maximize customers' use of your product or service, answering questions, and advising them on best practices. 


  • Dark Social
  • Deal Closing
  • Decision Maker
  • De-dupe
  • Demand Generation
  • Demand Capture
  • Dialer
  • Direct Mail
  • Direct Sales
  • Discovery Call
  • Draw on Sales Commission
  • Drip Campaign

Dark Social

Dark social refers to the unattributed conversations happening about your brand. This activity includes private communities, email forwards, team collaboration apps, and direct messages between stakeholders and customers. Traffic or conversions generated via dark social would only appear as direct traffic in most attribution software. 

An open-ended "How did you hear about us?" field on your contact form helps uncover which activities offline and online led to a prospect taking action.

Deal Closing (or Closing a Deal)

Deal closing (or closing a deal) is the conclusion of a sales transaction wherein the prospect agrees to purchase a product or sign up for a service. One of the top sales metrics is the closing ratio between open opportunities and closed-won. For example, three closed sales out of 10 is a closing ratio of 30%. 

Decision Maker

In sales, a decision-maker is the point of contact with the required expertise and authority to make purchase decisions. Since there may be multiple decision-makers, it's important to probe for who else needs to be involved before pitching your solution.


De-dupe is an abbreviated phrase for de-duplicate, which eliminates redundant copies of data such as emails, accounts, and contact details. 

In many CRM and marketing tools, it's necessary to de-dupe contacts after an import so their interaction history is combined. It also helps achieve accurate reporting and analytics.

Demand Generation

Demand generation is a marketing function that aims to build awareness and excitement about a company’s products and services. Businesses use demand-gen strategies to promote new offerings or features, reach new markets, generate buzz, and drive customer loyalty.

Demand generation differs from lead generation in that its strategy is long-term, measured by engagement, and aims to build interest. 

Demand Capture

Demand capture follows demand generation with multiple methods to collect information from high-intent prospects. Such tactics include product landing pages, review websites, affiliates, and vendor comparison blog posts.

The spirit behind demand capture is that it's intended for people with a high propensity to buy rather than chasing uninterested leads. 


Dialer is a virtual phone service or CRM feature that establishes outbound phone calls with a click or tap. Sometimes called a power dialer, salespeople use this feature to reach prospects faster and avoid misdials. 

Direct Mail

Direct mail is a communication channel where postcards, newsletters, catalogs, and gifts are physically delivered via the US Post Office or another delivery service. 

Direct Sales

Direct sales is the method of selling a product or service in a location other than the associated retail stores or offices. Sellers personally engage a prospect in a physical or face-to-face environment such as a home or tradeshow.

Discovery Call

A discovery call is the first conversation with a potential customer to determine if they are a good fit. Also known as a qualifying call, the seller can build rapport, set the tone for the relationship and gain deeper insight into the prospect’s challenges.

Sales expert Chris Orlob revealed that the secret to a successful discovery call is a sense of urgency. Not gimmicks – rather letting the prospect affirm the problem and the need to solve it quickly. Snag these 39 discovery call questions to try on your next B2B SaaS discovery call. 

Draw on Sales Commission

Draw on Sales Commission is a form of compensation for sales professionals released in advance against expected commissions or earnings. Also known as “Draw Against Commission” or “Draw.” It's intended to compensate sales reps while they ramp up their quota attainment. 

Drip Campaign

A drip campaign is an email series sent after a prospect shows interest in a product, resource, or event. Drip campaigns are also known as nurtures or follow-up campaigns. Effective drip campaigns educate along the buyer's journey and prompt subscribers to escalate to a sales conversation.


  • E-Commerce
  • Employee Engagement
  • Enrichment
  • Enterprise


E-Commerce is a sales strategy where goods or services are sold online without interacting with a sales rep. Businesses can set up storefronts on online storefronts like Shopify or BigCommerce. They can also rely on distributors like Amazon or Walmart to sell their products. 

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is the process of building employee loyalty, reflected in how much they strive to improve the organization's bottom line, reputation, and company culture. 

Employee engagement is critical to building successful sales teams to help elevate everyone's performance and retain top talent.


Enrichment is the process of verifying and updating data stored in your marketing or sales software. Data enrichment ensures accurate contact data like emails and phone numbers and can include data sources such as intent data services like Bombora or 6sense. 

A data enrichment tool can intelligently update contact information and an organization's firmographics stored in your CRM. 


Enterprise sales is a market segment that pursues larger organizations in terms of employee size, revenue, or multiple locations. Selling in a large corporate environment requires tact and perseverance to seek the right champions to introduce you to decision-makers. 


  • Firmographic
  • Fiscal Year
  • Flywheel
  • Forecasting
  • Fortune 500


Firmographics are attributes or data points about an organization that classifies firms into relevant market segments. Examples include industry, location, employee count, revenue, and funding. 

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year is a financial accounting period of one year (that may or may not coincide with the calendar year), which governments and businesses use for taxation, budget planning, performance assessment, strategy formulation, and other purposes.


A flywheel is a concept that illustrates the systems necessary to achieve customer growth. It demonstrates awareness, delight, and sales engagement moments anytime in the sales process. For example, a company's marketing flywheel might include customer referrals, customer stories, and collaboration with select influencers. 


Forecasting is a prediction or calculation of a trend or event likely to occur in the future based on qualitative, quantitative, and historical data. Accurate forecasting is essential to ensure revenue growth, but goals are attainable for team members. 

Fortune 500

The Fortune 500 refers to a list of the 500 largest companies in the United States based on revenue, compiled and published yearly by Fortune magazine. It's also abbreviated by "F500," in sales conversations.


  • Gatekeeper
  • Generative AI
  • Go-to-Market Strategy
  • Gone Dark


Gatekeepers, such as executive assistants or receptionists, limit access to a decision-maker. They screen phone calls and emails and often have visibility of their superior's calendar. Be respectful and provide resources to help them present these to your intended executive. 

Generative AI

Generative AI is a form of artificial intelligence that creates text, images, and video. It learns from enormous datasets and generates new, imaginative content. It aims to understand natural language patterns and transforms its output into human-readable formats. 

Keep in mind that responses from generative AI tools are simulated and aim to provide likely answers, but they aren't necessarily factually accurate.

Go-to-Market (GTM) Strategy

A Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy is a plan or roadmap to apply marketing and sales resources to establish a presence for a product or service. Ultimately, a GTM strategy helps achieve a competitive advantage by using advertising, distribution, pricing, direct sales, and social media engagement.

Gone Dark

When a contact has "gone dark," they no longer respond to emails, calls, or social media outreach. This lack of engagement could be for a few reasons, including changing jobs, reprioritizing projects, or they are no longer in-market for a product or service. 


  • Horizontal Market


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a set of privacy and security obligations to protect patient health information. This law applies to healthcare providers, health plans, and other entities (and software) that handle health data. Expect that healthcare organizations have stringent requirements when considering new vendors.

Horizontal Market

A horizontal market is a GTM sales strategy to serve potential customers across numerous industries and segments. While this is seemingly better, solving every customer’s pain points prove difficult, and deals may stall. But pursuing a horizontal market is a path to scale as your company grows beyond serving select verticals.


  • Ideal Customer Profile
  • Inbound
  • Inbound Sales
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • InMail Messages
  • Inside Sales Rep

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

An Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) refers to characteristics associated with successful accounts. These attributes include the industry, pain points, software used, and number of employees. An ICP helps marketing and sales leaders find future customers with a degree of accuracy. 


Inbound refers to the interest that a company receives from potential customers. Common inbound channels include organic SEO, newsletter opt-ins, whitepaper downloads, community sign-ups, and landing page submissions. 

Inbound Sales

Inbound sales is the process of fielding incoming requests from future customers via email, opt-in, phone call, or in-person. Since prospects are coming to you, they are interested in your brand but might need additional qualification and education on how your solution solves their pain points. 

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) business model that provides cloud computing over the internet. Organizations of all sizes use IaaS to scale their computing, file storage, and data processing. Examples of IaaS are backend functions like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Zapier, Docker, etc.

InMail Messages

InMail Messages are introductory emails sent to another LinkedIn member you’re not connected with. InMail is a premium feature that lets you message a person without connecting with them beforehand. 

Inside Sales Rep

An inside Sales Rep is a salesperson who conducts most sales processes remotely via the phone or online.


  • Jobs to Be Done (JTBD)

Jobs to Be Done (JTBD) Framework

The Jobs to be Done framework is a theory that describes the underlying motivations when customers "hire" a product or service to fulfill a specific task or solve a problem. JTBD enables businesses to satisfy customer needs with a tailored solution to fit into their life. 

Sales reps can use the JTBD framework to better understand customers and close more deals. By identifying the specific tasks, challenges, and aspirations customers have, sellers can offer tailored solutions that directly address their desired outcomes.


  • Key Accounts
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Kickers

Key Accounts

Key Accounts are whale spenders or VIP customers prioritized by sales reps and customer success. Churn from these clients would be a detrimental loss to the company’s revenue.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the most relevant metrics that indicate whether an organization or individual has reached targets or a desired level of performance. Popular sales KPIs include ACV, sales pipeline amount, and close ratio. 


Kickers are bonuses or extra commissions to motivate sales professionals to exceed quota, showcase a specific service or product, or target a particular market segment.


  • Lead
  • Lead Generation
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Lead Qualification
  • Lead Scoring
  • Loss Aversion
  • Low-Hanging Fruit


A lead is a prospective customer that shows interest in your service or product. A sales team shouldn't handle every lead the same way since they have varying interest levels and readiness to buy.

Lead Generation

Lead generation is a set of activities to collect contact information from those interested in a company's products and services. 

Lead generation tactics include pay-per-click ads, referrals from existing customers, sales pages, cold emails, and cold calling.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is the process of building long-term relationships with prospective customers through different marketing techniques that develop their preference for your product and services.

Lead nurturing spans multiple channels, including phone, email, social media, and corporate gifting. 

Lead Qualification

Lead qualification determines whether a new lead is ready for a sales conversation. The criteria for qualifying leads varies between companies, but BANT is a good sales framework for sizing new prospects.  

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is the process of assigning a numerical value to each lead based on different criteria for ranking leads in terms of priority for an account executive or BDR. Email clicks and replies, buyer intent signals, and alignment to an ICP can factor into a lead score.

Loss Aversion

Loss aversion is a psychological effect that explains why people feel more strongly about losing something of value than gaining the same amount. When salespeople understand the pains affecting a prospect, they should position the status quo (current reality) as a losing bet. 

Low-Hanging Fruit

Low-hanging fruit refers to a segment of prospective consumers or a market segment requiring the least effort to turn into paying customers. For instance, smaller businesses tend to have fewer objections to a well-understood product with simple pricing. But an enterprise organization may have more complex requirements to proceed. 


  • Machine Learning
  • Marketing
  • Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)
  • Markup
  • Messaging
  • Metrics
  • Mid-market
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
  • MOFU
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue
  • Multi-threading

Machine Learning

Machine Learning (often abbreviated ML) is an aspect or type of artificial intelligence whereby a computer learns from large datasets. Machine learning is how AI platforms evaluate and suggest product recommendations, email subject lines, and follow-up cadences. 


Marketing is a business process for making a product or service desirable to a target audience to achieve a sale. Marketing is responsible for building a trusted brand, raising awareness, and conveying your value propositions. 

Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL)

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) are leads evaluated based on a given set of criteria to have a higher likelihood of becoming a paying customer than other leads.


Markup is the amount added to the original price to account for overhead and profit margins. Markup can also anchor a pricing proposal, giving the sales rep discretion when negotiating the price. 


Messaging communicates your brand’s value proposition, the benefits you offer, and the perceived meaning for your target audience.


Metrics are data points that measure activities or outcomes that gauge performance. Metrics are used for various reasons, including tracking individual progress toward a goal and team performance, and are essential to creating a sales forecast. 

Unlike KPIs, not every metric reflects a business outcome. Here's an example: emails sent (metric) vs. pipeline generated (KPI). 


Mid-Market is a classification of business organizations in terms of scale (revenue, number of employees, etc.), occupying the segment between small companies and large multinational enterprises serving the same market.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is an early-stage product built with the bare minimum features, just enough to satisfy early adopters. The point is to validate product-market fit and demand. An MVP is usually an incomplete product thrown together to see if anyone will buy it. Speed of execution is the goal.

Middle of The Funnel (MOFU)

The Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) is the stage where a prospect conducts further research for more information about a solution to their problem.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is the amount of regular and predictable income a company expects to receive each month. Rental and subscription-based SaaS businesses use MRR as their guidepost for scaling the company.


Multi-threading sales are deals in which your team has connected with multiple decision-makers from the buyer’s side. The sales rep strategically works a few angles into the discussion, but not with all parties simultaneously. 


  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Negotiation
  • Net New Business
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Net Revenue Retention (NRR)
  • Net 30

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a function of artificial intelligence where machines learn to interpret human language based on contextual meanings and emotions. 

Generative AI uses NLP to analyze emotive language based on a broader context. For example, if someone says, "I'm feeling blue today," it doesn't mean the color blue; it means they feel sad.


Negotiation is a strategic dialogue, discussion, or bargaining process between two or more parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

Net New Business

Net new business consists of a newly converted paying customer instead of customer upsells and renewals. Net new business is a measure of brand awareness and growth in market presence.

Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a rating used to gauge the loyalty of a customer relationship. Fred Reichheld, a partner at Bain & Company in 2003, founded Net Promoter Score. 

On a 10-point scale, an NPS survey asks customers to rate how well they would recommend the company to a friend. Responses with 9–10 are promoters, 6–8 as passives, and 1-6 as detractors. NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from promoters. 

Net Revenue Retention (NRR)

Net Revenue Retention (NRR) measures a SaaS business's capacity to keep and grow revenue from its existing customers. It calculates the revenue generated by retained customers, excluding new customer acquisitions. 

A high NRR suggests the company's success in keeping customer loyalty, expanding relationships and maximizing customer value. This metric helps businesses forecast growth potential and the effectiveness of customer retention.

Net 30

Net 30 indicates payment is to be satisfied in 30 days. Depending on the business and amount of risk a company wishes to extend, Net 15, 30, and 60 are typical terms.


  • Objection
  • On Target Earnings (OTE)
  • Onboarding
  • Opportunity
  • Outbound Sales


Objection refers to a position, statement, or view of a prospect that indicates reservation about or disagreement with a particular aspect or the entirety of your sales pitch, lessening the likelihood of a purchase.

On Target Earnings (OTE)

On Target Earnings (OTE) is a common sales compensation structure comprising a base salary with an additional commission. OTE reflects the sales rep’s take-home pay if they meet quotas and earn expected commissions. 

Since OTE is an estimate, sales reps over/under quota will earn different salaries depending on performance.


Onboarding is the phase of introducing a new customer to your product or service, such as account setup. Onboarding also means integrating a new employee into your workforce or team.


Opportunity is a lead that is more likely to make a purchase based on a set of criteria. These are also called Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs). 

Outbound Sales

Outbound sales is the process where the seller directly contacts a prospective customer to close a deal down the line using methods such as cold calling, cold emails, and direct outreach on social media.


  • Performance Plan
  • Pipeline
  • Playbook
  • Point of Contact
  • Positioning Statement
  • Predictive Analytics
  • President's Club
  • Procurement
  • Product Qualified Lead
  • Proof of Concept (PoC)
  • Purchase Order (PO)

Performance Plan

A performance plan, also known as a performance improvement plan (PIP), is a management tool to document steps underperforming sales reps should take to reach optimal performance. 


Sales pipeline is a way to visually represent the steps before an opportunity is ready to close. 

When expressed as a dollar amount, sales pipeline estimates the total possible revenue for all sales-qualified prospects.


A playbook is an engagement strategy, set of actions, series of tactical steps, or an agreed-upon selling approach developed to be repeatable and customized to deliver the highest likelihood of closing a deal with a specific group of prospective customers during a set period.

It could take months to create a sales playbook. But Pclub gives you a headstart with free SaaS sales playbooks. Grab these resources before your competition does. 

Point of Contact (POC)

A point of contact (POC) is the person who represents an organization, has the authority to make most decisions, and coordinates the flow of information between stakeholders. 

Positioning Statement

Sales representatives use positioning statements at the beginning of a sales pitch to engage a prospect and focus on their pain points.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a technology that uses historical data, statistical models, and real-time trends to create an informed forecast about business performance.

President's Club

President's Club is a prestigious award within a sales organization given to elite performers for exemplary performance. Being invited to President's Club often involves lavish vacations, prizes, and time with the company's leaders. 

Despite President's Club being primarily a sales incentive, some firms extend invites for high-performing team members from marketing and customer success. 


Procurement is a corporate governance function that ensures appropriate vendor evaluation and equitable payment terms. This function exists between a decision-maker and the organization's legal and finance teams. 

Product Qualified Lead (PQL)

Classically, a Product qualified lead (PQL) is a potential customer that has used a benchmark product(s), indicating a relatively higher likelihood of purchasing. For instance, someone who has used Microsoft Dynamics might be a good fit for Salesforce Sales Cloud. 

A newer definition of a product-qualified lead is for companies with a free plan, and users show indications of being willing to upgrade to a paid plan. Such signals could be inviting additional users, importing large amounts of data, and heavy product usage. 

Proof of Concept (PoC)

A proof of concept (PoC) is a prototype intended to demonstrate that a business idea is feasible and has the potential to be successful. 

B2B SaaS companies provide qualified prospects with a proof of concept in the evaluation stage, which lets stakeholders use the software for a limited period to review their feedback later to finalize the evaluation.

Purchase Order (PO)

A purchase order (PO) is a formal document issued by a buyer to a seller to indicate the services or products the buyer intends to purchase at the stated cost. 


  • Quarter
  • Quarterly Business Review
  • Quota


The quarter is a three-month period in a company’s fiscal year commonly used to make comparative performance analyses, detect or forecast business trends, report earnings, and pay shareholder dividends.

Quarterly Business Review

A sales quarterly business review (QBR) is a structured meeting between sales managers and company leaders to discuss past performance, trends, and strategic opportunities. It’s the perfect venue to discuss sales targets, quota attainment, marketing activities, and sales forecasts.

QBRs focus on problem-solving and collaborative planning to boost revenue and foster account growth. It’s a good exercise for sales and marketing leaders to better understand the challenges and opportunities ahead.


A quota is a predefined benchmark indicating the number of sales a selling unit, such as a sales rep or a regional sales team, should achieve within a given period, often used to measure success, performance, and eligibility for commissions and other rewards.


  • Ramp Up Time
  • Referral
  • Request for Information ( RFI)
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • Request for Quotation (RFQ)
  • Return on Investment
  • Rule of Reciprocity

Ramp Up Time

Ramp Up Time is the period in which a new sales rep obtains product training, learns internal workflows, and gets comfortable managing their book of business. This period is approximately three months plus the length of typical sales cycles.


Referrals are a dependable source of leads for successful account executives. When checking in on existing customers, the sales rep asks if they know anyone that would benefit from their solution. Often, an incentive may be offered, such as a small gift, account upgrade, or similar perk for qualified referrals.

Request for Information (RFI)

Request for Information (RFI) is a formal business document that aims to gather textual information about the offerings and capabilities of business entities such as vendors. It's less rigorous than RFPs.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Request for Proposal (RFP) is a structured business document that requests vendors or service providers to submit a proposal or bid during a procurement process.

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

A request for Quotation (RFQ) is a business document asking suppliers or service providers to give a comprehensive price quote for purchasing an item(s) or completing a specific task.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Return on Investment (ROI) is a business metric expressed as a percentage that indicates the efficiency or profitability of an investment. ROI is calculated by dividing the benefit (return) by the investment cost.

Rule of Reciprocity

The Rule (or Law) of Reciprocity is a social psychology documented by Dr. Robert Cialdini. It posits that people are obliged to give back when they receive a gift or other favorable gesture. In a sales setting, it means practicing highly personalized and unexpected generosity with your time in sales follow-ups.


  • SaaS
  • Sales Acceleration
  • Sales Automation
  • Sales Sequence
  • Sales Champion
  • Sales Coaching
  • Sales Cycle
  • Sales Demo
  • Sales Development Representative
  • Sales Director
  • Sales Enablement
  • Sales Engineer
  • Sales Funnel
  • Sales Kickoff
  • Sales Lead
  • Sales Manager
  • Sales Operations
  • Sales Partnerships
  • Sales Performance Management
  • Sales Process
  • Sales Productivity
  • Sales Prospecting
  • Sales Qualified Lead
  • Sales Training
  • Salesforce Administrator
  • Sandler Training
  • Scraping
  • Segmentation
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF)
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • SFDC
  • Signaling
  • Siloed
  • Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Small & Medium-Sized Businesses (SMB)
  • Smarketing
  • Social Selling
  • Solution Selling
  • Spiff
  • SPIN Selling
  • Stakeholder
  • Statement of Work (SOW)
  • Subject Matter Expert (SME)


Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which the provider hosts and manages software online. SaaS is typically sold as user licenses (seats) for a monthly or annual fee. 

Sales Acceleration

Sales acceleration is the practice of speeding up the sales process using tools and technologies that improve the productivity and efficiency of sales professionals.

Sales Automation

Sales automation uses software to simplify, speed up or streamline the entire sales process or specific component activities such as customer tracking, forecasting, and inventory monitoring.

Sales Sequence

Sales sequence is the established order of activities (such as phone calls and emails) and the frequency at which your sales team engages a prospect or an account, as guided by data analytics.

Sales Champion

A sales champion is a person with influence and authority who also deeply understands and likes your product to the point of advocating for its adoption and success.

Sales Coaching

Sales coaching is how sales professionals improve their performance, efficiency, and impact primarily through behavioral changes and the development of new skills.

Sales coaching programs have traditionally been in-person, but a more affordable option is virtual sales coaching. It lets sales reps get personalized guidance to reach the next level of growth without the cost of travel, lodging, or taking them offline for days.

Sales Cycle

A sales cycle is the repeatable process of converting a prospect to a new customer. A sales cycle consists of prescriptive stages or steps to sell products and services to new customers.

Sales Demo

A sales demo is the act or process of showing a product or service's functions, benefits, and value to a particular audience to lead the audience toward a purchase. 

Almost every sales demo is run poorly, which causes prospects to ghost you afterward (if you make it that far). Our top-rated sales course helps your sales team crack the code to a winning SaaS sales demo. 

Sales Development Representative (SDR)

Sales Development Representatives (SDR) and Business Development Representatives (BDR) are sales specialists focused on finding new prospects, establishing foundational relationships, and refreshing the sales pipeline with new leads for account executives.

Sales Director

The sales director is a senior-level executive who oversees an organization’s sales operations by formulating and carrying out sales strategies. Their day-to-day responsibilities include motivating sales reps, evaluating team performance, and representing their sales manager's interests. 

Sales Enablement

Sales enablement is a strategic process that provides a company’s sales professionals with tools, technology, training, and content that improve their performance at customer engagement and generate value for all stakeholders in the sales process.

Sales Engineer

A sales engineer works with the sales team to answer questions about the technical functions of a product or service. They assist account executives and prospects by providing clear recommendations and addressing complex questions about products, services, or add-ons.

Sales engineers excel in key skills such as curiosity, deep product knowledge, and effective communication of technical concepts. By leveraging their expertise, they facilitate successful sales outcomes and ensure customer satisfaction.

Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is a visualization of the sales process that defines the stages prospective customers go through as sales professionals lead them toward a purchasing decision.

Sales Kickoff (SKO)

Sales Kickoff (SKO) is a major annual event for sales organizations, often held as an all-hands gathering where significant achievements in the prior year are honored, new revenue and organizational targets are set, and inspirational talks and presentations align the salesforce to deliver high performance in the coming year.

Sales Lead

The sales lead is a potential consumer of your company’s product or service who has expressed interest in your offerings and shared contact information.

Sales Manager

A sales manager is a team leader who leads a sales department by setting goals and meeting targets, formulating plans and policies, designating tasks, and developing salespeople.

Sales Operations

Sales operations are a collection of aligned business processes, strategic implementations, and other organizational activities to achieve organizational goals, especially in sales revenue, market coverage, and growth.

Sales Partnerships

Sales partnership is a formal collaboration between individuals or organizations to bolster the sales performance of a product or service for mutual benefit. This practice is also known as co-selling. 

Sales Performance Management

Sales performance management encompasses a variety of interrelated sales processes, including sales incentive compensation management, objectives management, quota setting, advanced analytics, gamification, and more.

Sales Process

Sales process is a series of strategic steps or activities to drive sales growth by aligning personnel, market insight, methodologies, relevant business units, and technology.

Sales Productivity

Sales productivity is a metric that indicates how efficient a sales unit is at closing sales and generating revenue for the company based on sales volume, payroll expenses, level of personnel activity, and other factors.

Sales Prospecting

Sales prospecting is finding, building, and qualifying a pool of potential buyers or clients through networking, cold calling, advertising, and other engagement methods.

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)

Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) is a potential customer that has already met the MQL criteria and has shown a higher likelihood of opting in or making a purchase. SQLs are flagged by sales development representatives and forwarded to quota-driven Account Executives (AE) for closing-level engagements.

Sales Training

Sales training is the process of improving sales professionals' skills, behavior, and mindset to upgrade their selling performance. It's an excellent investment for equipping sales reps with resources to pick up new sales skills. 

Salesforce Administrator

A Salesforce administrator refers to an authorized individual or a small team tasked to configure and maintain productivity within Salesforce CRM and other marketing/sales software tools. 

Sandler Training

Sandler Training is an organization that trains professionals worldwide on sales performance, management, and leadership. The Sandler sales method is a consultative selling approach. The salesperson establishes an open dialogue to build trust and understand the prospect's pain points, budget, and decision-making process. Then, they can either disqualify the buyer or point them to the right solution.


Scraping is the process or technique of extracting large amounts of data from websites. It's also called data harvesting or data scraping. Scraping benefits sales teams by acquiring data about prospects or companies (e.g., addresses, phone numbers, emails, keywords, etc.) from public websites. 


Segmentation narrows a large market into smaller partitions, known as segments, based on demographics and other factors, aiming to formulate and implement targeted sales strategies to engage and convert customers more effectively. 

Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) are email authentication standards to prevent fraud, phishing, impersonation, spam, and spoofing from unauthorized servers. Ensure your domain name is configured to allow email marketing providers to send emails on your behalf. 

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a service provider and a consumer that specifies the service's quality, availability, restrictions, and other aspects.


SFDC is an acronym for Salesforce Dot Com, the widely recognized customer relationship management platform. Why SFDC? Salesforce began using this on social media to distinguish the “SF” acronym from the city of San Francisco. 

Specifically in sales, SFDC denotes the software developed by Salesforce, for managing contacts, opportunities, and accounts.


Signaling is a process in which a consumer conveys readiness to buy as indicated by “signals” or triggers such as willingness to sign up, participation in events, asking questions about your solutions, and browsing your website. 


Siloed is a descriptive term for an organization whose units, teams, or departments lack collaboration or coordination because they are run and managed as separate and exclusive bubbles, towers, or “silos.” A siloed team misses opportunities to benefit from interactions with other groups.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Single Sign On (SSO) is a method that allows access to multiple but independent software systems using a single ID and password. Considered safer, both in cybersecurity and in enterprise permissions. 

Small & Medium-Sized Businesses (SMB)

A small and medium-sized business (SMB) is a classification that describes companies smaller than an enterprise and larger than a startup. Small businesses have fewer than 100 employees, while mid-sized firms have 100-999 workers.


Smarketing is a portmanteau of "sales'' and "marketing" which closely aligns a business's sales and marketing operations to increase revenues via a shared integrated strategy. A smarketing approach may bonus marketing staff against sales team performance. 

Social Selling

Social selling is the deliberate use of online social networks as sales channels, where sellers directly engage and develop relationships with prospects by probing their needs and providing relevant and valuable insight.

Solution Selling

Solution Selling is a sales approach commonly adopted in a B2B environment where the salesperson probes the customer’s problem(s) and develops/proposes a solution using the seller company’s products or services.


Spiff refers to a quickly awarded incentive such as an immediate financial bonus, paid vacation, or non-cash prize for meeting a milestone or achieving quota attainment within a specified time frame. Employers, managers, and other entities offer spiffs when introducing new products or hiking up production for a given period. Spiff is also an acronym for Sales Performance Incentive Fund (SPIF).

SPIN Selling

SPIN Selling is an acronym for four types of questions (Situation, Problem, Implication, and Need). A sales professional should ask a prospect to establish a customer-centric selling paradigm and increase the closing rate.


A stakeholder is an entity interested in a company, process, or product and typically concerned about its wellbeing. For instance, when evaluating a call center, a customer support manager, IT leader, and Salesforce admin might be stakeholders in that decision. 

Statement of Work (SOW)

Statement of Work (SOW) is a project management document that defines all the parameters — nature, scope, deliverables, activities, costs, schedule — of work being performed by a vendor for a client.

Subject Matter Expert (SME)

A subject matter expert (SME) is a person who is considered an authority or an expert in a particular domain, topic, or field. These people may carry the Sales Engineer job title on a sales team.


  • Talk Track
  • Template
  • Top of the Funnel (TOFU)
  • Total Addressable Market (TAM)
  • Touches
  • Triggers

Talk Track

A talk track is a list of phrases or topics for salespeople to mention on a sales call. Talk tracks help guide or steer the conversation to hit on key points, problems, or aspirations to discuss with a potential customer. 

While they’re not a “call script,” talk tracks equip sellers with approved language when talking about technical or complex subjects. 


A sales template is a document with a framework that provides users with a standard method to populate or fill in the information in a repeatable, time-saving way. 

Top of the Funnel (TOFU)

The Top of the Funnel (TOFU) represents the largest portion of a sales and marketing funnel, where prospects first discover the brand and need to be qualified to proceed further in the sales funnel. It is also a descriptive term for raw leads showing initial interest in a service or product due to inbound marketing and outbound customer engagements.

Total Addressable Market (TAM)

The total addressable market (TAM) is the market demand for a product or service. It's a highly optimistic figure that assigns a figure for the long-term revenue potential. 


Touches are interactions with a prospect intended to transform a lead into a qualified opportunity. Touches are also called touchpoints. Touches could be as simple as visiting their LinkedIn profile or as involved as a short video. 


Triggers are a set of signals or occurrences that meet specific criteria to be considered an opportunity to make a sale. Triggers for a sales rep could be a company announcing new funding, a strategic partnership, or hiring aggressively. These signals serve as cues for personalization and relevancy in the outreach.


  • Unique Selling Point/Proposition (USP)
  • Upselling
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Unicorn

Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

A unique selling proposition (USP) is a marketing concept that refers to the distinct advantage (lowest price, highest quality, different components, new features, etc.) a business has over others catering to the same market or audience.


Upselling is a selling technique where a seller introduces a more expensive upgrade or an add-on to a buyer to increase the average order value. Upselling fits into an account expansion strategy by proactively driving renewals and extending contract terms for a loyalty discount. 

User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) covers all aspects of a user’s interaction with a product or service, especially those factors that impact the user’s emotions, viewpoint, attitude, and behavior. In digital marketing, an excellent UX results in higher conversion rates.


Unicorn is a term used to describe a startup company valued at over $1 Billion.


  • Value Proposition
  • Value Statement
  • Vertical
  • Vice President

Value Proposition

Value Proposition is a statement or message that encapsulates the reasons — such as benefits and unique attributes — consumers would want to patronize a brand or purchase a product.

Value Statement

The value statement is an official declaration informing the customers and staff of an organization about its top priorities and core beliefs.


Vertical refers to a market where a business targets only a small subset of customers, such as a specific industry, sector, profession, or niche. For example, a property management CRM caters only to landlords and real estate managers.

Vice President (VP)

Vice President (VP) is a senior executive in an organization who heads a specific operation or unit, oversees the achievement of strategic targets, and reports directly to the company president or C-Level executive.


  • Warm Call
  • Warm Email
  • White Label
  • Wireframes

Warm Call

A warm call is when a sales professional calls or visits a prospect after they have had prior contact, such as during an event or via a referral. They might even send a follow-up text message with their name and number. 

Warm Email

A warm email is a message sent to a prospect after the sales professional has had prior contact. This helps improve deliverability and keeps the dialogue going. 

White Label

White Label describes a product or service that can be purchased by a business entity and legally re-sold, marketed, and distributed under the entity’s own brand. Most of these products are turnkey and lightweight.


Wireframes are rough or low-fidelity representations of a service or a product. Wireframes serve as a mockup in a creative asset to convey styling and visual appeal. A wireframe's goal is to communicate an abstract idea and gain a client's approval.

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